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The Rise of Heat-Related Illnesses

A lot of people work outside—in the US alone it is around 15 million people, which is approximately 10% of the total workforce. And as we see more and more heat waves and extreme temperatures due to the effects of climate change, these outdoor workers are at an increased risk of heat-related illness.

Not only do the extreme temperatures increase the risk of serious injury and even death, it also reduces work efficiency and can be extremely costly. To put this into perspective, it was found that for every 1°C rise above room temperature, there is a 2% loss in productivity. By 2100, the EPA estimates that the US will lose 1.8 billion labor hours across workforces due to extreme temps, adding up to $170 billion in lost wages. And bringing it back around, 1 single case of heat prostration can cost a business up to $69,000! These are significant stats to a significant problem!

The not so crazy thing is, that heat-related illnesses are entirely, 100%, preventable. With proper training and equipment, outdoor workers can work safely in high temperatures.

The SolarXWorks xCOLD mobile cooling system can help be part of the solution to stop heat-related illnesses. By being 100% solar-powered and mobile, the xCOLD can be easily transported and begin blowing cold air in a matter of minutes. And it is space-agnostic, meaning that it can be attached to a variety of spaces—such as a tent, trailer, container, etc. All you need is the sun and the xCOLD can provide cooling for a temperature-controlled environment!

Air conditioning has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce heat-related illness and the xCOLD can provide that in any place and any space! For more information check out the rest of our website, YouTube page, or contact us at

Donald McGraw