applied solar solutions

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The SolarX|Works xCOLD Trailer is Ready!

Last week was an exciting week for us here at SolarX Works.  We completed the buildout of our insulated trailer.  The idea behind this trailer is to not only have a way to transport the xCOLD solar-powered refrigeration system and the panels needed to run it but also to have a mobile space to keep cold.  We believe this is the ideal way to show people the capabilities of our system—as we can bring the system to them wherever they are and demo it in person.

One of the unique features of the xCOLD is its capability to keep a variety of spaces cold as it is designed to be “space agnostic”.  The xCOLD combined with a trailer makes for the ideal portable, off-grid, walk-in cooler.  It is very easy to transport and setup.  During transport, the xCOLD and solar panels are secured in place inside the trailer.  Once you reach your location, put the xCOLD in position to optimize airflow (cold air in and hot air out).  Next place the panels in position to maximize sunlight collection, connect them together and attach them to the xCOLD.  All that is left at this point is turning the xCOLD on and the cold air will begin blowing.  The xCOLD can be setup and running in less than 20 minutes and the same could be said for breaking it down to be ready for transport once again.

Since completing the trailer modifications, we have begun field testing to collect data on what the unit is capable of in this scenario.  We are very excited in what we have been able to observe so far as the internal temperature of the trailer has reached temperatures as low as 16.3° (-8.7°C)!  Over the next few weeks will continue to field test the unit and add additional variables into the equation such as water to freeze and create thermal mass.

More updates to come in the near future!  Continue to check in on our website and blog as well as on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

Donald McGraw, COO

Donald McGraw